General Office Clerk/Receptionist position at King & Spalding in Austin

King & Spalding is currently interviewing General Office Clerk/Receptionist on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 18:33:24 GMT. Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Provides total office and overflow support performing a variety of duties to assist both lawyers and staff including receptionist, file clerk, project assistant and secretarial duties. Works on special projects as assigned. Provides call coverage for lawyers and staff as needed. Greets and assists clients and visitors as needed. Maintains office...

General Office Clerk/Receptionist

Location: Austin, Texas

Description: King & Spalding is currently interviewing General Office Clerk/Receptionist right now, this position will be assigned in Texas. For complete informations about this position opportunity please give attention to these descriptions. Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Provides total office and overflow support performing a variety of duties to assist both lawyers and! staff including receptionist, file clerk, project assistant and secretarial duties. Works on special projects as assigned. Provides call coverage for lawyers and staff as needed. Greets and assists clients and visitors as needed. Maintains office security and emergency procedures as needed. May require long periods of confinement at desk.

Answers all incoming and internal calls. Handles various other telephone responsibilities such as taking and delivering messages to lawyers and staff, setting up conference calls, transferring callers, etc.

Greets, receives, and registers clients and visitors.

Schedules conference rooms on electronic calendar and places orders for refreshments. Ensures orderly condition of conference rooms and reception area.

Assigns offices to visiting K & S personnel and coordinates related facilities and technical requirements.

Maintains parking validation account and vali! dates client parking as needed.

Maintains and distrib! utes monthly birthday/anniversary list.

Researches and updates local caterer lists.

Maintains a constant awareness of all activities on the floor.

Updates receptionist manual and office directory including typing of revisions and distribution of office directory.

Completes floor check each morning before sitting at desk, including turning on lights opening glass reception area doors, checking conference rooms, making reception area tidy and presentable and turning on telephone and computer systems.

Assists secretaries, paralegals, and other administrative personnel with projects as needed.

Straight types onto computer system both typewritten and handwritten documents.

ReviseS and formatS documents and printS using various printing styles and features.

Prints various types of documentation as well as reference materials, daily administrative paperwork, etc.

Completes travel! and expense statements to be submitted to Accounting Department for reimbursement.

Types envelopes, labels, form, etc.

Enters daily time records into time-keeping system.

May be called upon to handle other assignments, such as stuffing and labeling envelopes, working on various projects for Marketing and other departments, etc.

Works with file clerks and organizes, indexes and prepares closed files intended to be stored in the Firm’s off site storage facility. Helps to manage documents by organizing, indexing and numbering.

Maintains individual and general case files.

Prepares reference notebooks for depositions and trials.

Codes documents and/or data entry for databases. Organizes and maintains case files, pleadings and other documents, as well as attorney notebooks; indexes articles, reports and witness statements.

Other secondary duties as assigned! .

Must demonstrate initia! tive by actively seeking out responsibilities and assignments for areas beyond basic duties. Must possess the ability to look for what needs to be done or how to assist rather than waiting to be asked.

Must demonstrate high level of enthusiasm, be well motivated, dedicated, and conscientious. Must have clear, articulate oral and written communication skills as well as a willingness to learn. Must possess ability to remain professional and calm when handling difficult situations.

Ability to organize and prioritize numerous tasks and complete them under specific time constraints. Ability to concentrate and pay close attention to detail.

Ability to proofread typed material for contextual, grammatical, typographical or spelling errors.

Must be conscious of public relations aspect of position in being the first person to greet visitors and guests. Project professional image in dress and demeanor to all visitors and guests of the firm.

! Must be proficient in Microsoft Office products.

Bachelor's degree preferred.
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If you were eligible to this position, please send us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to King & Spalding.

Interested on this position, just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website

This position starts available on: Tue, 02 Apr 2013 18:33:24 GMT

Apply General Office Clerk/Receptionist Here

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